lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2007
because this wednesday we will finish the first term, and also we will have 4 free days.
But also today I'm very extress because I have to study for a history of art exam and pff...I'm very tired because I'm ill.
I have tonsillitises and they bother me a lot.
I don't know what I can explain, oh yees!!!
Today I become memeber of football club Barcelona, for having the identification card I will have to pay 145 euros to year. I think that it isn't so much expensive.
Now, now I'm looking for tickets for going to see the barça-madrid but I that's a little difficult.
For see this match the mininum that you can pay is 73 euros and the maximum 180 more or less.
Ok, I don't know what I can explain....
That I go to study because tomorrow I have any exam and I'm ill, I want go to my bed now!!
martes, 27 de noviembre de 2007
sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2007
I have to talk about BOJAN!!!
BOJAN was born the 28th August of 1990, he's 17 years old, so he has my age and he's playing with Football Club Barcelona BARÇA. Until little ago, he played with BARÇA B but now Frank Rikjaard signed him for his staff, because really he's a very good player and he only is 17 years old. Bojan's becoming a player who will make history.
Today in the match against the Recreativo he has scored a goal. Finally, the match has been won by BARÇA with 3- 0 in the scoreboard.
I'm very happy!!
And finally I will put some video about some goals by Bojan krkic
lunes, 29 de octubre de 2007
Yes, this is the tittle of my favorite song.
The first time that I heard this song was in the car of a friend this summer also my friend likes me a lot,
I think so that also I love this song because I love him. But I don't know the pace also is very nice and...I like it for everything.
And the letter also is very nice.
jueves, 25 de octubre de 2007

Today I want to talk you about my work!
This summer I worked in camping las dunas, my work was in the shop of ice-cream. The shop of ice-cream was in front of the swimming pool, and me like it where there because then I could see the "giris" when they were in the swimming pool.
My timetable was the best because there are one day that I have to go to worked at 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock and then I had free time since 2 o'clock to 7 and then I finished at 12'30. And the other day I started at 2 o'clock until 7 and afterwards I started again at 9 to 12'30. Also I had one free day at week. With this timetable I could go every night after work to Fata's disco because I only had to do 3 or 4 steps for go there.
I love this work also because I knew a lot of people so spanish, as dutch, german, french....already I knew my partners of work except one but he was very talkative.
The photo that I put was the last day of work, my boss in the dinner took the Carmen de Mairena to us. When we saw she or he we passed a very fun moment and afterwards we went to Fata's disco with her.
Ok, another day I present you my partners of work.
miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2007
lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2007
We ReTuRn To ThE rOuTiNe

domingo, 3 de junio de 2007
Ok, we have hear:
Prince Jorge
Right away wanted to save the princess
Identified the path where the dragon had been
Nobly he killed the dragon with his sword
Cheerful taked the princess with her father, the king
Exhausted prince said to princess that he loved her
Seemed died when he slpet
Succed and now every body remembers him with the name of Sant Jorge knight
Bye bye people!!
I love you so much!!
lunes, 21 de mayo de 2007
In ClAsS!!!

Hello people!!
First, I want to warn you about this entry being very short because I don't have much time for writing.
I have just made the examination of English of the conditionals, it has gone me well even though would be able me gone much better. The teacher has said us that with the time that we have it left we can make some entry in the blog or in the portfolio, and only as we have 5 minutes, for this reason I prefer to make one mines entry
This week we have a lot of work, the work of marketing, the examen... bff
Oh, has just touched the bell... and I have a lot of hunger because since I have gotten up I haven't eaten anything yet.
jueves, 17 de mayo de 2007
SoMeOnE SpEcIaL!!
Hello classmates! I'm in Alba's house and at this moment she is taking a shower and I'm surfing on internet!
Today I want dedicate my blog to Alba because she is a special person for me. We spend a lot of time together during the week and of course at the weekend too. She stay by me in my good moments but she also stay by me when I'm sad or depressed. I always explain her my problems and she understand me all the time. She's fantastic! I have had a very good luck meeting her!
I'm a little beat stressed because next week we (first of batxillerat) have a lot of exams and some of them are very difficult for me like philosofy or history. But I'm happy because today is thursday so I can go out tomorrow yet...xDxD
This term I meet a lot of nice people in my class and I'm happy for this!
Well, Alba I hope that you pass second of batxillerat without problems and I'm sure that you will pass selectivitat because you are the best! And now you have some days of holidays! What a luck!
Well I go to had dinner somwhere!
I put Alba's favourite song! I hope you like it!
BoTtEn AnA
I'm a lot stressed and still we're in the half of the week.Pfff....I've many desires to go to Fata, to forget during a while of the world that it surrounds me; duties, works, examen, for me....
Then, today I won't put any photo, because the photo of fata I puted one time ago, and I don't want to repeat i.
I will attempt to put a song even though I don't know very well how this works but a day or another he has of try.
The song that I will put is call Botten Ana, I have chosen this for two simple reasons
-the first because it likes me a lot
-and the second because they put it in fata the other day and looks... in this way I disconnect of the real world during some min.
Well, I leave you here with the song
martes, 15 de mayo de 2007
WhEn I WaS sMaLl
lunes, 14 de mayo de 2007
ThE cUoRe's MaGaZiNe!!!

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2007

sábado, 12 de mayo de 2007
My DoG aNd mE!!

martes, 20 de marzo de 2007
Me In SumMeR aNd My oThER me In wInTeR!!

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2007
MïLLëNiüM & CöSmiC ClüB!!!

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2007
CöMpüTëR ScIëNcë VïRüS!!!

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2007
DïscO HöT FäTä MöRgäNä!!!

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2007
AppëndïcïtïS AtäcK!!!

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2007
The football match

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2007
ALbä'S biRThdAY

Hello everybody!!!
Today I dedicated this blog to Alba Martinez because is her birthday, now she is 17 years old, but hours ago she has got 16 years!!!
I think that she's very happy in this moment because now we are finish the exams, and the week!!
Today was a very stressed day, because we had got a two quarterly examen, one of english and the other of philo...
I'm stay very tired and also I want to go to Ruki's pub for this reason this entry's very little.
Bye people and very happy day Alba
PD: Alba is the girl of right
lunes, 5 de marzo de 2007
AdRiÀ sAiNt

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2007
MäRtÍ's BiRthDäY!!!