Hi friends!!
Today I will explain my night of saturday!!
Saturday was a rare night, I went to Ruki for dinner and then I went to my house for wear, I had to wear for go to Fata, Fata's a disco of stPere. When I came back to Ruki there was two drunk with their daughter and they didn't leave play my friends with a game. Then, they went to their car and tried take out car of parking, while man tried take out car, he hit my friend's car.
Jordi Colls said Mireia that a drunk hit her car, then Mireia phoned Mossos d'Esquadra. When Mossos d'Esquadre arrived, a man went to the bar for a new time. Mossos talked with man and he said Mossos that Mireia tried parking touch their car, and Mossus said man that he said true. But, really Mossos said this because they shouted up. They made parte and then we went to Fata.
I went to home at 6 o clock...in Fata I laughed a lot.
Mireia is the girl of photo.
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