Hello everybody!! Today I want to talk you about a future star of football life, he calls Gai Assulin! Gai Assulin since past 9th of april he's 17 years old! He was born in Netanya, Israel there he played football with some football team and his father afterwards saw his quality playing on football got in touch with Joan Martínez Vilaseca a Barça's technical. Joan Martínez went to Israel for see how he played football and then he hire Gai for played with F.C.Barcelona team. Now he's playing there for three years ago and he's becoming a star of this sport. He only is 17 years old and he's playing with the Barça B category while he has to play with Juvenil A category and is possible that next year or some years forward he will play with Barça first division. Some people compare this boy with Leo Messi because he's right-handed but he also can play as left-handed. In ladder he's very fast and he has a lot of change of rate and this characteristic doing him a unforeseeable player. His shot to goal is amazing and powerful. And his best property is one against one. All of this how a football player, but I know he thanks to other football player calls Carles Coto who's 20 years old and play with Royal Excelsior de mouscroun team, one team of Belgium. Carles Coto give to me his messenger and now I have the oporunity to talk with Gai Assulin, I'm very happy because talk with one barça's football player for me is very crazy thing.Also I can talk with Giovani dos santos.
Carles Coto team's webpage
Gai Assulin's webpage
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